TUSC Spring Fling Weekend is hosted the last weekend of the spring semester each year, and includes an outdoor movie, the Tuftonia's Day Carnival, and a number of other events hosted by various campus partners. The culminating event of the weekend is the Spring Fling Concert, a 6k person outdoor show, and will feature Ella Jane, Dayglow, Bia and Aminé.
April 28 - May 1

Concert Entrance Gates are Open 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Enter in front of West Hall, or Between Barnum & Ballou Halls
Ticket Sales Begin April 19 at 10:30 AM at TuftsTickets.com
Free for Undergraduates
$30 for Exchange & Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff.
No Guest Tickets
Portable Bathrooms
on the Lawn
Free Pizza
& Water
First Aid Tent
Near the Cannon
No Bags, Wristlets
or Fanny Packs

Staff Identifiable
By T-Shirt & Lanyard

No Water Bottles,
Outside Food, or Drinks

There will be a number of visible Green Dot resources and individuals present throughout the weekend and we encourage anyone in need of assistance to ask for help via the Green Dot ambassadors as well as TUPD and security staff. Remember, a crowd does not equal consent.
Ask before you dance with someone.
Get permission before taking someone's photo.
Don't pressure someone into giving their consent.

Just because the performers use certain language does not mean you should. Please be mindful of certain lyrics when signing along with an artist.

If you are of age and decide to drink:
Pace drinks to one or fewer per hour.
Alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Eat before and while drinking.
Remember, you don’t need to be drinking to enjoy spring fling!
If you plan to host a gathering during the weekend, help reduce any disturbance to the community by keeping the following tips in mind:
Don’t start your event prior to 10 a.m.
Keep your music volume to a minimum, especially the bass.
Keep the gathering indoors, and keep doors/windows closed to prevent sound from traveling.
Don’t let crowds spill into common areas, onto the sidewalk or street. You will be issued citations for any crowding on city streets or sidewalks.
Pick up any trash and keep your neighborhood and halls clean.
Follow Green Dot best practices at your events and make sure everyone knows who the host is and where to go for help should they need it.

Eating well is essential to your ability to enjoy the weekend. In order to help ensure every student, regardless of meal plan or financial status, is able to eat a balanced breakfast prior to Spring Fling:
Students who plan to host a gathering may order a free Brunchable Kit that feeds 6 people while supplies last.
Carmichael and Dewick dining centers will open at 7 a.m. on Saturday, April 30 to serve a special brunch menu.
The Commons will open for walk-in service at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 30.
Resident Assistants will be hosting a variety of free breakfast programs in different neighborhoods the morning of Saturday, April 30.
The Dean of Student Affairs Office will be offering free food at the varsity athletics games on Saturday, April 30 and Tufts Athletics will be providing free t-shirts.
The Office for Campus Life will be hosting the annual free Spring Fling BBQ on the Res Quad starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 30.
Check back soon as more events are added!

5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. on Fletcher Field
Check in at the Big Top Tent with Tufts ID
Open to Undergraduate Students Only
Tufts ID Required for
Food & Ride Tickets
All Food Trucks Free
While Supplies Last
Free Carnival Rides,
Games & Activities

Special Note on Weather:
Severe inclement weather including high wind or heavy rain pose a threat to the safety of attendees, performers, and event production staff. Any cancellation decisions will be made in consultation with university officials and event production staff. If the Spring Fling Concert is cancelled, it will not be rescheduled. The rain date for the Tuftonia's Day Carnival is Monday, May 2.